Sustainable Living Ideas in Rented Apartments

Sustainable living is the need of the hour today. It is not always easy to live a 100% sustainable and eco-friendly life but every little effort counts to counter the climate changes today. If you live in a rented apartment, it could be more difficult to choose sustainable living options. If you struggle with deciding where you should start in order to make your lifestyle more sustainable, this blog will give you some ideas.

Start with choosing efficient light sources. You can replace regular bulbs and tube lights in your apartment with energy-saving LED bulbs and tubes. Similarly, ensure that the appliances that you invest in are energy-efficient too. They can cost higher than regular ones but in the long run, they can help you save a lot of money on your electricity bill too.

However, simply buying energy-saving appliances is not enough. You should also conserve energy as much as you can. Switch off the extra lights, fans, or other devices when not in use. Save water too. Never leave the taps running, water-harvest if you can, and reuse water.

The next step is eliminating or reducing single-use items, especially plastics. If you try hard enough, you can find suitable, affordable, and healthier alternatives to your regular single-use items.

You could also shop local, handmade, and pre-owned to be more sustainable. Reusing items discarded by people who don’t need them anymore can be your treasure. You can shop for more plants too. Whatever you are purchasing, make sure it is certified eco-friendly and handmade.

The most important thing is to recycle. Many apartments might not have the facilities to recycle trash. Make sure you visit your local recycling plant every once in a while to properly discard your trash.

These are some simple and effortless ways that can make you live more sustainably in your apartment. Remember to do what you can to save the environment.

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